- HEAR me -

I saw you look away
Is what you've seen too much to take
Or are you blind and seeing nothing?

-Bullet For My Valentine : Hands Of Blood-

My heart is worn out to keep beating
My lungs exhausted by all this breathing
My mind's too tired to keep grieving
My throat is too sore for more screaming
My eyes too swollen for more weeping
My wounds are too dry for more bleeding
My blood too drained for more streaming

-Sentenced : My Slowing Heart-

-My Cloud-

This is


You sure you didn't ended up here by accident?


!!Kurikular vaskular
( Wednesday, November 19, 2008 )

Aku ada baca satu artikel dekat bloq sapa ntah, dia kata tumbuhnya universiti di Malaysia ni, mcm cendawan lepas ujan, paling senang ckp, mcm banjir kilat kt KL kalo ujan lebat, kejap ja, zummm, banjir, begitulah gamaknya, yg dia hiraukan sgt, kemunculan universiti sekalian2 yg x layak lgsung dipanggil universiti, hmm,

X percaya? Ini satu contoh, umum ya, x dak dituju ke sapa2, taun lepas kita kolej, tahun ni jadi kolej universiti, tahun depan kita universiti, apa yg sebenarnya membolehkan kita didefinasikan sebagai sebuah universiti? Yg aku pahamkan, sesebuah universiti, msti bg pendidikan tggi lepas sekolah dlm pelbagai bidang, ada penganugerahan sijil, dan mesti ada buat penyelidikan. Hmm, skang ni, byk universiti swasta, ada dua tiga kursus pengajian je

Adakah kursus2 yg diorg tawarkan ni, kurikularnya relevan dengan permintaan industri pekerjaan? Lepas tuh, mereka2 yg cuba mendapatkan pendidikan tinggi di tempat2 yg mcm ni, isk, berbaloikah dgn apa yg dibelanjakan? Kita semua dah pasti tahu, pendidikan swasta ni, harganya amat mahal kalo nk bandingkan dgn perndidikan awam, x kiralah mana2 peringkat pn, bandingkan sekolah kebangsaan dengan sekolah jenis kebangsaan, bandingkan kelas tambahan dengan pusat tuisyen, bandingkan uni awam dengan uni swasta, dari segi perbelanjaan, huh, letih nak dihurai, soalnya, adakah berbaloi?

Para ibubapa sudah tentu mahukan anak2 mereka mendapat yg terbaik, untuk masa depan anak2 sendiri juga, tp satu benda yg sgt janggal sekarang ni, kita sebagai pelajar, berhutang untuk mendapat pengajian, hmm, mmg x terlalu asing bg masyarakat kita sekarang, tp amat janggal kalau dipanjangkan isu ni,

Universitas sekalian mendapat pendapatan ataupn profit daripada bilangan pelajar yg mereka ambil masuk (admittance), bukan daripada bilangan pelajar yg mereka lepas keluar (graduates), pelajar2 yg x layak nk habiskan pengajian, kena habiskan duit sekali lagi untuk tamatkan pengajian dan bergelar graduan. Mmg jelas, pendidikan dah jadi salah satu jenis industri yg paling menguntungkan. Mgkin sebab ini kita dpt lihat percambahan institusi pengajian tinggi dlam negara kita sekarang. Dan mereka mendapat galakan dari pihak2 sekalian yg memberi bantuan kewangan, mereka yg membuat penilaian tahap pendidikan, dan mereka yg memberi penganugerahan pangkat taraf institusi pendidikan. Apa zaman sekarang mereka ambil kira taraf dengan berapa bilangan pelajar yg mereka ambil masuk?

Juga, setelah bergelar graduan, kita x usah sembang pasal kelayakan kali ini, cuma kita tgk pasal peluang, setelah bergelar graduan, adakah mereka semua ni ada tempat dlam industri pekerjaaan? Kalau ya, mengapa taraf penganguran makin tinggi? Kali ni kita x payah sembang pasal kelayakan, kita cuma sebut pasal peluang, kau, aku, dia, kita, mereka, adakah semua dpt peluang yg sama? Tanya aku, aku ckp tidak, kita x pernah dijanjikan apa2 selain penganugerahan sijil selepas bergelar graduan. Heh.

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!!Istana Kayangan?
( Wednesday, November 19, 2008 )

Igt Ayah Pin ngan istana awan dia? Heheh, skang ni dia muncul kembali, jadi isu gila-gila pulak, siap ada pihak2 tertentu menuding jadi salahkan pihak bertanggung jawab x komited menjalankan tugas menahan si Ayah Pin itu. Aku mmg simpati pada tahap mentaliti pihak yg dok menuding jari tuh, mereka risau ramai lg yg terjebak, lepas tuh salahkan pihak bertangungjwb? Wajarkah?

Paling utama skali, sesiapa yg sampai terjebak ngan teori haluan kiri Ayah Pin ni, mmg kena masuk mengaji balek, gila ka apa? Kesah tuh yg jadi runsingan pihak2 sekalian, tp x kan smpai nk salahkan pihak x bertanggungjwb? Mereka yg bodoh mengikuti ajaran haluan kiri tuh patut kena ditegur oleh mereka yg terdekat, bukan saja nk serah ke jabatan agama, apa? x yakin dgn diri sendiri kah? Kita cuma xdak kuasa nk hukum, bg nasihat itu mmg jadi tanggujwb kita, tmbah2 jika mereka yg terjebak tu, dekat dgan kita, pahem?

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!!Head On
( Friday, November 07, 2008 )

My 101st post, what a shame it has to be a rant. Demmit.

Well, word’s is that the Royale Bintang case is what causing me my job. Hmm, my company might already lose the contract to Royale Bintang system maintenance, hell, I don’t know the details, and I don’t even know if it’s true. The thing for sure is that I’ve already lost my job. Next month, I’ll be unemployed. Demmit.

But if my company really is putting the blame on me, I definitely go against that, hell, ever since I joined this company, ever since I knew Royale Bintang was a client, ever since I got involved with Royale Bintang, it spells nothing else but P.R.O.B.L.E.M. and is it my fault that my company lose the contract?

Well, if you don’t like long and boring story, refer to this post, it was a summarized version of what you’ll read if you continue reading. Heh.

Hmm, the story was somewhat like this, I was told to go and replaced a unit, a fucked up new unit with a newer one, mind you, both are totally differ in brands and method, so, I did. Then the plot thickens, when I was there, I couldn’t see any SSID from any of the new AP’s I’ve replaced before that day. Then it gets more interesting, yes, my company consultant cum supervisor (my self-entitlement to him) was there in the morning and he knew about this problem. Wow. So I did all I could trying to get everything okay again. I found out that somebody, SOMEBODY, had messed with the switches, the cabling were all messed up, and one of them switches were not functioning. This ‘faulty’ 24 port switch was not distributing IP like it should do. Haa, what can I do? I couldn’t make a replacement if I don’t have any switches with me can I? So what I did was, I plug in the DHCP server cable to the remaining 8 and 4 port switches. And it work, with limitation of course, not everywhere could get an access cause of the faulty switch. So, the end result was, I could see my SSID again, but not everywhere. Then, before I leave, I wrote a note attention to the head of MIS there, in the note, it say things like what did I do, and how to use the new controller unit. It was something like this;

Mr. X,

I replace that new fucked up unit with a newer unit.

1. go to the login page, choose Local Authentication
2. key in username: xxxx, password: xxxx

The billing is not used anymore.

My signature and name goes here

Ah, well, not every word was like that, but you get the idea, heh, and please bear in mind that it was 2am, I wouldn’t call anyone at that time, well, except the police maybe. I knew the next morning I would get yelled at. Ahah. But I don’t actually, eheh, I do get a call though, asking me to go and checked again. It was a Saturday morning, and I was already on my way to a friends wedding. So I said I couldn’t go, I also told them if it’s later in the evening perhaps I could make it, or even if not, I will go the day after.

Yes, I understand their business involved a lot of public, and they would want to save face, but I suggest this, employ an in house technician, you had an MIS division WITHOUT ANYBODY IN IT, what the fuck? And the head, what was he doing? Yes, he did what everybody else would on a free day. What he didn’t do is stop yapping when it’s his ass on the line, yeah, who would like their ass being chewed on rite? I don’t either.

To continue with the story, he then calls, another he also calls, even he also calls, but hey, sorry dude, couldn’t make it, sorry, maybe later. So they take this as a no-show. Now, it’s my ass on the line. Heh. Luckily, my colleague is there to save the day, he went and saw that there were looping at the 24 port switch. Damn, no wonder it didn’t distribute IP’s. So, they say this was my fault; I’m incompetence and am not committed in doing my job.
Hey, ten points. Goddamn. He even told my colleague to plug in back the fucked up new unit. Ta-dah, my colleague was a hero, and I’m a fucked up uncommitted incompetence no-showing zero. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t one bit blame my colleague, not one bit. I mean, he saved me, he solved the problem. I just don’t like the blame that my company is putting on me.

I quote from my post

”And get this, is it not that I DON’T WANT to go, I CANT. You get that? CAN NOT. CAN’T. Perhaps the matter I’m attending to is none important to you, but hell, I CANT. Period.”

Yes, I couldn’t go. I COULDN’T GO. It’s totally different from I DON’T WANT TO GO. Try to fucking understand this simple matter.

While my ass was getting chewed on, he talked bout company would pay those who work on weekend, shit, fuck that, what, you think I thought that you wouldn’t pay that I didn’t go? I’m not the likes of you. If on that unfortunate day, I was lying on my bed naked doing nothing, I’d be happy to go. Lalal lala lala. Ah, well, maybe I wouldn’t be happy, but I’ll go, no question asked.

So then, the company loses the right to do maintenance, and here I am ranting about why I lost my job. Some say it wasn’t a big deal, but it is to me. I’m beginning to like this company, and now this. Ah, it’s been how many years I didn’t shed tears, not even when my grandpa died, but today I did. Twice.

Even so, I had a little something to say, stop kissing so much clients ass, then maybe, only maybe, you would have a little time to look into your employee’s charity. Then also maybe, just maybe, your employee would want to share a dinner table with you.

Anyhow, thank you for all the opportunity given, and fuck you if this is the main reason I’m being lay-off.

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( Friday, November 07, 2008 )

So, Obama calon parti Demokrat dah jadi Presiden US. Tahniah. ini menunjukkan rakyat US dah sedia menerima perubahan. harap2 dengan kepimpinan beliau, hapus segala diskriminasi terhadap minimalis2 dalam negara dunia ketiga. harap hapus juga perang 'anti-keganasan'. harap hapus juga Islamophobia di kalangan negara2 di dunia. dlam kepimpinan Presiden yg sebelum ni, US dah hilang kredibiliti dan respek dari byk negara2 lain. harap kepimpinan baru ni bwk banyak perubahan, bukan saja dalam negara, tetapi secara universal.

Kita rakyat Malaysia bila lagi? aku mmg dok berharap ada perubahan, igt, Obama tu rakyat Amerika yg pilih, kita pn boleh buat mcm tuh, kita pilih kepimpinan, bukan kepimpinan pilih kita, ya? Yes, we can.

Kita pilih kerajaan untuk wakilkan kita. aku bukan anti-kerajaan sekarang, aku bukan pro mereka yg anti-kerajaan sekarang, cuma aku x suka, dan aku nak ada perubahan. kepimpinan sekarang pon masing2 dok baling kepala org sendiri, lepas tuh pakatan pon sama2 x setuju dengan ahli dalam pakatan sendiri. apa ni? mcm ni nak pimpin org kah? bg aku, baek pegi mampos. memang manusia x sempurna, tp kepimpinan mesti jadikan yg terbaik. yg skang kita dok nampak, yg berhaluan kiri mahupun yg berhaluan kanan, dua2 yg lebih nampaknya buruk daripada baek, jahanam, aku, dia, kita dan juga mereka.

yes, we can.

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!!Hujung Jalan
( Friday, November 07, 2008 )

Aku smpai di hujung jalan,
Tak kan nak terus menunggu di hujung jalan?
Berpatah balik tidak boleh dijadikan pilihan,
Aku kena bukak jalan baru untuk aku lalui,
Tapi, aku tak tahu jalan mana patut aku pergi,
Perlu aku belok kekanan, atau,
Perlu aku belok kekiri?

Ada sesiapa atau apa-apa yang boleh menjadi arah tujuan aku?
Aku tak mahu lama-lama disini,

Mungkin aku boleh tamatkan perjalanan ini?
Jadikan mungkin.
Sungguh. Jadikan Mungkin.
Sungguh. Jadikan Mungkin.
Perjalanan ini yang tamat dihujung jalan.

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!!Happy Halloween
( Sunday, November 02, 2008 )

Happy Halloween, yeah, was it? was Halloween supposed to be a merry festive day? Was it based on a certain religion? Or was it just for remembering those who died an unfortunate death? Even if its so, I bet half of them who is celebrating don't even know who, heh. Even if its to remembering that someone unfortunate death, is it morally okay to be happy about it? haha. When is Halloween actually? I don't know, and don't care. Why? Cause we don't celebrate it here. haha.

just a thought, Halloween always come with costume, yeah? child dress up as superhero, supervillain, hook them up with ridiculously expensive costume for one time celebration only. why one time? cause they would never wanna be Batman twice in their lifetime don't they? or even, who would wanna be The Crow when the current 'in-thing' is IronMan, rite? heh, so, my idea for a Halloween costume? be the zombie, cause zombie got no costume, just sprinkle sauce or syrup on your face, and that's it. ta-dah. a Halloween costume. hahah

I'm glad we don't celebrate it Halloween here though. you know, when there a knock on the door, with crazy mask and all, I'm afraid that I might, yeah, MIGHT, chopped one of them's hands off. scary. what to expect? there's a group of masked people at my front door, I'd assume they wanna rob me or something, just think it like this, here, there a no guns for residents for whatever reason, its a good thing, if not, damn, I MIGHT blow them's head off without even opening my front door. yes? haha


!!Nafsu, Amarah, Airmata, Darah dan Dosa
( Sunday, November 02, 2008 )

jalani kehidupan harian,
buat keputusan dengan Nafsu,
bukan dengan akal macam orang luar biasa,
bila kita dikekang, dihalang, dituduh,
Amarah mula membuak-buak, mahukan pembalasan serta keadilan,
pabila tindakan diambil, berseorangan mengalir Airmata,
kerana dorongan Nafsu, Amarah dan Airmata,
Darah ditumpah membasahi lantaian bumi,
hidup aku mmg bergelumang dengan Dosa

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