- HEAR me -

I saw you look away
Is what you've seen too much to take
Or are you blind and seeing nothing?

-Bullet For My Valentine : Hands Of Blood-

My heart is worn out to keep beating
My lungs exhausted by all this breathing
My mind's too tired to keep grieving
My throat is too sore for more screaming
My eyes too swollen for more weeping
My wounds are too dry for more bleeding
My blood too drained for more streaming

-Sentenced : My Slowing Heart-

-My Cloud-

This is


You sure you didn't ended up here by accident?


!!Hollywood Swingers
( Wednesday, October 03, 2007 )

Aku rasa macam paham kenapa Amy Search naik hangin ngan sesetengah stesyen radio swata yg dikatakan meminggirkan artis tempatan, huhu, sapa x paneh kalo kita dah lama ‘berniaga’ kat sini tiba2 ada org luar dtg bukak gerai seblah kita plak kan? aku bleh paham kenapa dia terasa cmtu, bg aku apa yg dia bisingkan sgt tuh dah mcm personal vengeance plak, rasa terancam, tp x leh nak wat apa2 pasai hal tuh, so, bising ja la, haha,

Amy Search sendri sebut band Indon menguasai industri musik kita. Aku mmg stuju ngan idea dia ni, mmg aku pn rasa kejadahnya suma ini kan, apa x dak band Malaysia dah ka? Aku pn x kesah sgt ampa nak dgr lagu depa, aku pn lg byak minat band luar, huhu, tp xyah la smpai bg anugerah, kan? depa nak anugerah, p amek kat tmpat sendiri aa, apapn, tindakan pakcik rock kita sampai libatkan menteri mmg x patut sgt, periuk nasi ang, pandai2 jaga aa, kan?

Lgpon, pakcik Amy kita ni, hidup dgn bayang band dia dulu, yeah, Search, kalo org sebut rocker Amy, org x kenai, org kena sebut Amy Search baru org tau sapa, haha, Well, personally, aku nak kata, maybe, just maybe, famili dia pn da x sapot dia dah, asek pasang lagu Indon ja, tuh yg dia naik angin sgt2 tuh, haha, kamon la Pakcik Amy, bear with it, rock and roll is dead nowadays, don’t get me wrong though, aku layan rock, tp kalo org len x layan, dah x guna gak, kan? haha, org dah x layan rock, so rockers jd cam spesis terancam aa, haha, neway, pakcik Amy, org dah x pakai jaket leather dah zaman ni, haha. La nih zaman hiphop ngan goth, hmm, mmg la rock dipinggirkan, kesian, heh, tp x pa, aku layan lagi lagu Amy ngan Bienda, Syurga Neraka. Jgn riso pakcik Amy, aku dgr lg lagu ang, tp satu ni ja la, hahah.

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!!Fergalicious anyone? hah..
( Monday, October 01, 2007 )

you see, i'm going through 80's hits nowadays, and I came across this song Supersonics by JJ Fad, and i thought, "hey, this beat is familiar", so I went through all pop song i have, and yeah, i hit the jackpot, the beat almost the same as Fergie's Fergalicious, hoho, and i thought that Fergie's beat was unique even though her song is completely mindless, and i went through the critics bout her debut album, The Duthess, some critics even mention bout the rip off, hoho, hell, even the intro beat, the 'four, tres, two, uno' is a loaner from Afro-Rican's Give Me All You Got, i don't know whether they give credits to these people or not, hell, come to think bout it, even Fergie's hits single is a nursery rhymes rip off, haha, yeah, London Bridge, so i guess its ok for them though, heh, listen to the songs if you didn' t believe me, heh, Fergilicious eh?

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