Hmm, I always told people that song is not just song; it is a form or art that often reflected people’s expression, I love song that express felling such as sorrow, death, dispel, you know, the other side of songs, the one that not many are aware of.
Last two days, my grandma’s younger brother had passed away, hope he is among the faithful of all. The things is, I had never felt like I lost anything. I was good with him, nothing crucial, I like him better than I like my grandma though, hehe. But, when my father called to told me bout it, I was like, “owh, ok” and that’s it. Heh, I meant, how cold hearted can I be? I’ve lost someone, my relatives, but I didn’t felt much. Maybe this is the reason why people said I’m somewhat hard cold type of person. But I never seen through it though, and know I’m aware why, hehe. After I gave it a thought, then only I realize my mistake, and feels bad bout it. I dunno what I’ve become, after all these living years. Ahhhh. I need to rescue me from myself, I need someone to rescue me from this darkness within. This darkness and coldness I once loved, but now, I couldn’t bear with it anymore, I need to be rescued, I would not wanted to be soaked with darkness anymore. Would someone lend me a hand? Would anybody rescue me? Rescue me from the reign that struggled to built and hold?
And, uhh, Al-Fatihah to Tok Su Ii, may you be among the faithful of all. Hope I won’t forget you as ease.
Tiap hari ku kian jelik,
Buat ramai orang rasa pelik,
Tiap kali ku kian resah,
Buat ramai orang rasa susah,
Tiap masa ku kian lupa,
Buat ramai orang masam muka,
Tiap cara ku kian gila,
Buat ramai orang kata "macam ni la",
Tiap hari ku kian sakit,
Orang yg mendampingi kian sikit,
Tiap kali ku kian duka,
Ada juga orang yang rasa suka,
Tiap masa ku kian pekak,
Orang kena cakap macam nak terkeluar anak tekak,
Tiap cara ku kian bisu,
Orang cakap pun dah aku keliru,
Hitung nyawa yang kian singkat,
Bila aku nak bebetul taubat?
Hitung kiamat yang kian dekat,
Nanti ku takut nak jumpa malaikat,
Hitung hari aku sendiri,
Lagi panjang dari hayat bebiri,
Tiap hari,
Tiap kali,
Tiap masa,
Tiap cara,
Adakah aku suka begini?
Soalnya pada diri sendiri,
Adakah aku ingin terus begini?
Aku mahu anjakan tapak kediri,
Sampai bila aku terus begini?
Perlukah aku ubah diri?
Perlukah aku atur ciri?
Perlukah aku lari?
Tiap hari,
Tiap kali,
Tiap masa,
Tiap cara,
Aku suka.
Apa yang orang lain boleh kata?
Katalah apa yang mereka suka.
Mungkin aku akan ambil peduli,
Mungkin aku sisihkan kesisi,
Yang pasti,
Tiap hari,
Tiap kali,
Tiap masa,
Tiap cara,
Aku suka.
Tiap kali ku kian sunyi,
Aku ingin lari bersembunyi,
Diiringi tari nyanyi,
Dengan orang yang disayangi,