- HEAR me -

I saw you look away
Is what you've seen too much to take
Or are you blind and seeing nothing?

-Bullet For My Valentine : Hands Of Blood-

My heart is worn out to keep beating
My lungs exhausted by all this breathing
My mind's too tired to keep grieving
My throat is too sore for more screaming
My eyes too swollen for more weeping
My wounds are too dry for more bleeding
My blood too drained for more streaming

-Sentenced : My Slowing Heart-

-My Cloud-

This is


You sure you didn't ended up here by accident?


!!Sayang Ibu?
( Thursday, May 21, 2009 )

aku dok baca coretan surat 'sayang ibu' yg telah byk tersebar diruang internet, sila klik sini untuk menghayatinya, aku pn tersentuh ngan coretan ni, tp aku takut aku x mampu nk rasa emosi ni bila masa betul2 smpai, aku dah alami, tp bukan dgn keluarga dekat, tp still, aku takut,

A: mampu ke aku capai tahap emosi mcm ni bila smpai masa
A: aku risau
A: pasal selama ni kalo ada kematian, aku x rasa apa2
A: pak su aku, aku x rasa apa
A: tok lang, x rasa apa
A: tok njang, x rasa apa
A: uncle maon, lg la x rasa apa, aku smpai lupa rupa dia pn
A: huhu
A: dem