- HEAR me -

I saw you look away
Is what you've seen too much to take
Or are you blind and seeing nothing?

-Bullet For My Valentine : Hands Of Blood-

My heart is worn out to keep beating
My lungs exhausted by all this breathing
My mind's too tired to keep grieving
My throat is too sore for more screaming
My eyes too swollen for more weeping
My wounds are too dry for more bleeding
My blood too drained for more streaming

-Sentenced : My Slowing Heart-

-My Cloud-

This is


You sure you didn't ended up here by accident?


!!makan pree!
( Wednesday, October 06, 2004 )

tadi diner org blanjer, puas hati, mkn KFC beb, ingat senang ker member nak blanjer KFC? , aritu dia blanja mkn kat Zubaidah, bapak aa, asal dier asik blanjer? dier dpt scholar aa, blanjer aa member2, untung kawan ngan budak skolar nih, ahahak,

isnin nih dah ada test, aku aram x stadi apapa pon, haih, esaimen malaysian study pon x siap lagi, depa plak asik suwoh aku buat macam2, nasib keja biasa2 ja, kalo x aram aku nak buat, ahahak, esaimen prog2 lagi la aram, kena refer ngan Abdul Rahman gak nampaknya, haih,

12 aribulan ni ada konsert kat CLCA1, projek malaysian study gak, tp bukan projek grup aku, depa nak panggil budak yg penah perform Battle of The Band gi perform, huhuh, mesti gempak aa, apa2hal tanya Y! mugg_man , tiket pon dia yg juai>
